CALADAN BROOD chystají tributní kompilaci obsahující cover verze skladeb SUMMONING

CALADAN BROOD chystají tributní kompilaci obsahující cover verze skladeb SUMMONING

USA duo jdoucí ve stopách legendárních Summoning - Caladan Brood oznámilo, že již pracuje na novém materiále, který by měl světlo světa spatřit 15. prosince díky labelu Wolfspell Records. Jednat se bude o tributní kompilaci obsahující cover verze od legendárních tolkienovců Summoning, z čehož jednu ze skladeb si můžete poslechnout níže. Video obsahuje cover a vzhled celého boxu. Pod ním si můžete také vychutnat materiál v celé své kráse. Tributní album ponese název In Mordor Where The Shadows Are a níže k celé věci promluvila samotná kapela. 


"It has been some time since we last broke the silence on this page. Since we have a Summoning cover featured on an upcoming tribute compilation, we would like to take this opportunity to post an update on our activities. This will be something of a lengthy post; the first half will cover the status of Caladan Brood as a project, and the second half will shed some light on the circumstances surrounding the recording of the cover of 'Farewell' we contributed to 'In Mordor Where the Shadows Are - Homage to Summoning'"

"Firstly, we would like to address a question we have seen posed often in messages and posts on our page: yes, new material from us is on the horizon. We are writing and recording. We are active. Both of us are always very busy juggling a variety of musical projects, but Caladan Brood is important to us and we are slowly but surely forging original material."

"Regarding our participation in this Summoning tribute compilation"

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