SHIBALBA nabízí informace k chystané novince

SHIBALBA nabízí informace k chystané novince

Meditativní ambient/dark trance projekt Shibalba, v jehož čele stojí mocný Acherontas V.Priest (Acherontas) uveřejnil informace o novém počinu, který opečovávají Agonia Records. Materiál se bude jmenovat Psychostasis - Death Of Khat a vyjde přesně 30. dubna. Obsahovat bude 10 meditací, prohlášení labelu si můžete přečíst pod textem, stejně tak tam naleznete tracklist. Materiál bude k dostání jako CD a LP. O přebal novinky se postaral Karl NE a spatřit jej lze na tomto místě. 

1. Phychostasis-Death of Khat
2. Ihag Mthong
3. Kaoshikii Mahayana
4. Aether Ananda Aiwass
5. Naljorpa
6. Reanimation of Akh
7. Five Points of Desire
8. Orgasmic Inebriation
9. Opening the shadow box
10. Svarna Khecari Mudra


"Psychostasis - Death Of Khat" was recorded by the band themselves in Greece and Sweden. The new material is deeply ritual and meditative, and was recorded in a manner in which sound vibrations have been registered in a form analogous to the way in which the human ear perceives sound. Extremely high standards were provided especially for the vinyl edition of the album. The band commented: "This is a deep meditative work, ideal for higher purposes; burning incense & listening in headphones under the moonlight are required for best experience".

Shibalba's music is saturated with the mysticism of the East. It's richly detailed and multidimensional, while layered with chanting and broadly defined elements of traditional ritual and shamanic music. Apart from contemporary synths and guitar drones, the band makes use of bones and skulls as percussion instruments, Tibetan horns, Tibetan singing bowls, bone & horne trumpets, darbuka's (goblet drums) as well as ceremonial bells and gongs, to name a few. The band's intention, in their own words, is to "guide the subconsious of the individual to dream beyond the skin of matter & to dream in ecstasy and exult".

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